Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) Program (SC1, SC2, SC3)

UPDATE for SCORE PIs (04/10/2020): NIGMS has published notice NOT-GM-20-026 outlining cost-related flexibilities for SCORE grantees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see for details.

SCORE is a research capacity building program that seeks to increase the research competitiveness of faculty at institutions with limited NIH R01 funding and an explicitly stated mission or historical track records in graduating students from groups nationally underrepresented in biomedical research with B.S./B.A., M.A., M.S. or Ph.D. degrees in biomedical-related sciences.

SCORE offers research funding for investigators at three different research career stages; SC1 (PAR-20-039), SC2 (PAR-20-040) and SC3 (PAR-20-041) awards. All investigator-initiated SCORE applications must fall within the scope of the NIH mission. SCORE awards do not support clinical trials or clinical interventions (see NOT-OD-15-015 for the definition of clinical trials).

SCORE Interactive Portfolio Dashboard​​