NIGMS Funds 15 Science Education Partnership Awards in Fiscal Year 2017
NIGMS Office of Communications and Public Liaison
The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) funded 15 new Science Education Partnership Awards (SEPA) in fiscal year 2017. The grants, expected to total approximately $3.6 million over the next five years, aim to increase workforce diversity and improve the nation’s science literacy through innovative educational programs.
SEPA was established in 1991 and transferred to NIGMS from NIH’s Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives earlier this year. The program promotes partnerships between biomedical and clinical researchers and pre-kindergarten to grade 12 teachers and schools, museums, and science centers; media experts; and other educational organizations. SEPA provides students from underserved communities with opportunities to pursue science careers; supports teachers’ professional development in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) content and teaching skills; and improves community health and science literacy through its science centers and museum exhibits.
SEPA is one of a number of NIGMS programs aimed at training the next generation of scientists, enhancing the diversity of the scientific workforce, and improving research infrastructure throughout the country.
The fiscal year 2017 SEPA grants are listed below. For more details about an award, search NIH RePORTER by the project number.
Children’s Research Institute (Washington, DC) – Naomi Luban, R25OD023773
East Carolina University (Greenville, North Carolina) – Melani Duffrin, R25OD023721
Health Resources in Action, Inc. (Boston, Massachusetts) – Robert Sege, R25OD023756
Milwaukee School of Engineering (Wisconsin) – Tim Herman, R25OD023723
New York University (New York City) – Wendy Suzuki, R25OD23777
North Carolina State University (Raleigh) – James Lester, R25OD021880
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (Portland) – Victoria Coats, R25OD023738
The Tech Museum of Innovation (San Jose, CA) – Anja Scholze, R25OD021885
Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. (Saint Paul, Minnesota) – Rita Karl, R25OD023774
University of Cincinnati (Ohio) – Farrah Jacquez, R25OD023763
University of Missouri (Columbia) – William Folk, R25OD023780
University of Nevada, Reno – Sandra Prytherch, R25OD023795
University of Washington (Seattle) – Maureen Munn, R25OD021869
Washington University in Saint Louis – Cherilynn Shadding, R25OD021908
West Virginia University (Morgantown) – Cheryl Ann Chester, R25OD023768
To arrange an interview with a SEPA spokesperson, contact the NIGMS Office of Communications and Public Liaison at 301-496-7301 or through our contact form. To learn more about other SEPA projects, visit