Biomedical Technology Research Resources (BTRRs) create critical technologies, including instrumentation, methods, and software, at the forefront of their respective fields that apply to a wide variety of problems in the biomedical sciences. The BTRR program has been discontinued, and there is no active Notice of Funding Opportunity. Current BTRR Centers are listed below.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM111135Principal Investigator: Jeffrey C. Hoch, Ph.D.The Center for Bio-NMR Data Processing and Analysis develops robust methods to facilitate discovery, dissemination, management, training, and support for the biomolecular NMR software, to enable the application of NMR to biomolecular systems, and provide software persistence that is essential for reproducible research.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM135019Principal Investigator: Anne E. Carpenter, Ph.D., Beth Cimini, Ph.D., and Kevin W. Eliceiri, Ph.D.COBA will provide quantitative image analysis software tools that have broad applicability in biological optical microscopy. This effort will build on two widely used open source bioimage analysis programs, CellProfiler and ImageJ/FIJI, and add deep learning capability to enhance accuracy, ease-of-use, and reproducibility.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM139687Principal Investigator: Sebastien Boutet, Ph.D.The Center for Structural Dynamics in Biology aims to develop new technologies to fully utilize the unique capabilities of the world’s first X-ray laser to understand how the molecules of life are assembled and how they move. The new technologies will provide high quality images and movies of molecules, allowing to understand molecules work with or against each other. Center scientists will work with experts in the fields of drug design and enzymology, to name a few, to design and build new capabilities that will be made available to all scientists.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM132087Principal Investigator: Norbert Perrimon, Ph.D.The DRSC-BTRR helps researchers realize the full potential of Drosophila melanogaster as a model for the study of human health and disease through development of technologies and community engagement, including (1) Development of technologies for Drosophila studies, (2) Application of technologies for study of mosquito vectors of human diseases, and (3) Development of in vivo proteomics technologies for Drosophila.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM136508Principal Investigator: Tamir Gonen, Ph.D. and Pawel A. Penczek, Ph.D.MEDIC develops technologies for the study of the structure of nanocrystalline organic molecules and macromolecules by microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED), and provides access and training in these technologies. Areas of research include the development of effective procedures for nanocrystal growth, screening and vitrification; novel phasing methods for MicroED for structure determination; effective procedures for studying natural products, small molecules and toxins; and the engineering and fabrication of new hardware for nanocrystallization and time-resolved dynamics by MicroED.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM109824Principal Investigator: Michael P. Rout, Ph.D.NCDIR combines expertise in cell biology, genetics, mass spectrometry and computational structural biology to develop new integrated approaches for the detection, isolation and analysis of macromolecular complexes that that make up the dynamic cellular interactome.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM108538Principal Investigator: Joshua J. Coon, Ph.D.The National Center for Quantitative Biology of Complex Systems (NCQBCS) is developing next-generation protein, metabolite, and lipid measurement technologies for a wide variety of biomedical applications and making whole omic analysis faster and broadly accessible.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM136463Principal Investigator: Chad M. Rienstra, Ph.D.The National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison (NMRFAM) is a state of the art NMR spectrometer facility located in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. NMRFAM equipment and resources are available to any scientist worldwide. Our experienced staff is available to train users as well as provide consultation and collaboration on experimental design, data collection, and analysis.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM103504Principal Investigator: Trey Ideker, Ph.D.NRNB provides a freely available, open-source suite of software technology that broadly enables network-based visualization, analysis and biomedical discovery for NIH-funded researchers.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM108569Principal Investigator: Neil L. Kelleher, Ph.D.The National Resource for Translational and Developmental Proteomics (NRTDP) is dedicated to accelerating a significant shift in how protein molecules are analyzed by mass spectrometrywith a focus on intact protein measurements.
BTRR Grant Number: P41GM135018Principal Investigator: Thomas V. O'Halloran, Ph.D. and Chris J. JacobsenThe Resource for Elemental Imaging for Life Sciences (QE-MAP) is developing emerging technologies for quantitative evaluation of inorganic signatures in cells and tissues that are essential to understanding the regulation of physiological and pathogenic processes and developmental decisions. QE-MAP operates resources at Northwestern University, Michigan State University and the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab, offering three imaging and detection methods—laser ablation inductively coupled plasma TOF-MS, scanning x-ray fluorescence microscopy and photoacoustic microscopy—that allow investigators to quantitatively map the distribution of dozens of elements in a wide range of biological samples.