TWD Dashboard

This dashboard displays training, career development, fellowship, research projects and conference awards funded or administered by the NIGMS Division of Training and Workforce Development as recorded in NIH Project RePORTER (updated weekly)​. It includes all currently active parent grants, as well parent grants funded in the prior fiscal year. Active grants in no-cost extension status are displayed here, however their funding amounts are neither displayed nor included in the summary totals since those funds are from past budget years. Supplements are not currently included. To learn more about the individual Programs and initiatives, visit Program webpages and reach out to the specific contact Program Officers listed on the webpage or in the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).​


prgm: Discipline Specific Training Programs
subprgm: Predoc Training in Pharmacological Sciences
awardsby: subprogram
activeawardsonly: Yes
Program: Discipline Specific Training Programs
SubProgram: Predoc Training in Pharmacological Sciences
24 Active awards $9,528,525 Active dollars
Condition 6:
(*) Training slot counts are only available for grants with “T” mechanisms, slot counts for other mechanisms (e.g. “K”, “R”) and not available at the current time.
(†) Dollar amounts are not displayed for individually awarded supplements.
Examples of Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) include
  • PBI: NIH list of Predominantly Black Institutions (last updated for FY 2015)
  • HBCU: Historically Black Colleges & Universities (last updated for FY 2020)
  • TCU: NIH list of Tribal Colleges & Universities (last updated for FY 2015)
  • HSI: NIH list of Hispanic Serving Institutions (last updated for FY 2015)
  • AAPI: NIH list of Asian American and Pacific Islanders (last updated for FY 2015)
  • AIANSI: NIH list of American Indian and Alaska Native Serving Institutions (last updated for FY 2015)
  • CDCAI: CDC List of American Indian & Alaskan Native Orgs (last updated for FY 2010)

​​​ NCEs: these awards are currently no-cost extension​.