Career Development Awards Review Process

The review of career award applications, with the exception of the Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00), is carried out in study sections organized by the NIH Center for Scientific Review. Applications are assigned to study sections based on the scientific area of the project described in the application.

Pathway to Independence Awards applications assigned to NIGMS are evaluated by review committees organized by the NIGMS Office of Scientific Review. Transition from the mentored phase to the extramural independent scientist phase is NOT automatic and is subject to review of the success of the awardee’s research training/career development accomplishments and evaluation of a research plan to be carried out at the extramural sponsoring institution at which the awardee has been recruited.

For more information about the career development award review process, see Peer Review of NIGMS Training and Career Awards.

For more general information about the scientific review of applications at NIH, see The Peer Review Process.

This page last updated on 02/25/2025 8:12 AM