NIGMS Predoctoral NIH Data Tables and Suggested Data Formats Resources

Below is information for the Data Tables for NIGMS predoctoral programs, including the following:

Include the following NIH Data Tables for new or renewal applications (see NIH Training Tables Website). Combine Tables 1-8 (excluding table 6a) in a single document and upload to "Section 9: Data Tables" of the PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Forms I.

Table #Title of TableNew ApplicationsRenewal Applications
Table 1Census of Participating Departments or Interdepartmental ProgramsAll columns except last 2​Programs that are focused solely on predoctoral research training must complete Part I (Predoctorates). Do not include Part II (Postdoctorates).Last column only applies to T90/R90, do not fill in
Table 2Participating Faculty Members  
Table 3Federal Organizational Research Training Grant and Related Support Available to Participating Faculty Members  
Table 4Active Research Support of Participating Faculty Members  
Table 5APublications of Trainees Supported by this Program: Predoctoral  
Table 6ATraining Program Candidates, Entrants, and Their Characteristics for the Past Five Years: PredoctoralDO NOT INCLUDE, SEE BELOWDO NOT INCLUDE, SEE BELOW
Table 7Appointments to the Training Grant for Each Year of the Current Project PeriodNot ApplicableRenewal Apps only
Table 8AProgram Outcomes: PredoctoralPart II Only (Recent Graduates)Part I (Those Appointed to the training Grant) and Part III (Program Statistics)

Suggested Formats to Replace Table 6

NIGMS no longer requires Training Table 6A in its Institutional Predoctoral T32 training grant applications and applicants must not include it, or their application will be withdrawn before review. To avoid the inclusion of Table 6 in a training data table set generated via xTRACT, applicants should omit the "Start year of the most recently completed academic year" when prompted in the Applicants/Entrants section. The resulting PDF will then exclude Table 6A.

Although Table 6A is not required, applicants must provide Baseline Data on the Trainee Pool to facilitate NIGMS review of the ability of participating departments/interdepartmental programs to recruit training grant eligible individuals. NIH also uses the number of training grant eligible candidates to determine the appropriate budget and number of funded positions. NIGMS will use the data provided in a manner consistent with applicable law.

Accordingly, provide the numbers and characteristics of training grant eligible individuals who (I) applied, (II) were admitted, and (III) matriculated for each of the past 5 academic years as well as the average over those years. Applicants are encouraged to use the Suggested Formats below.

The required attachment with Baseline Data on the Trainee Pool must be combined with any other attachments allowed in the "Other Attachments" section and uploaded to "Other Attachments" attachment of the R&R Other Project Information Form and must not be included in the Data Table section.

For all predoctoral program applications, NIGMS recommends using the Suggested Formats A to represent the required Baseline Data on the Trainee Pool​:

  • Suggested Formats A Instructions and examples: PDF

NIGMS recommends using the Suggested Formats B in addition to Suggested Formats A for applications with multi-departmental or multi-organizational structures: BBM (PAR-23-228), MSTP (PAR-24-128), LEAD MSTP (PAR-23-030)

  • Suggested Formats B Instructions and examples: PDF
Suggested Formats
Title of TableNew ApplicationsRenewal Applications
Suggested Formats ATrainee CharacteristicsPrograms: BBM, MSTPPrograms: BBM, MSTP
Suggested Formats BMulti-Component Program DataPrograms: BBM, MSTP​Programs: BBM, MSTP
This page last updated on 01/31/2025 12:15 PM