Attribution of NIH/NIGMS Support

The accurate attribution of NIH/NIGMS grant support in publications is important. By taking the actions described below, you will also be responding to a 1989 Congressional directive that grantees "acknowledge NIH's funding contribution when they publicize their research findings."

  • Acknowledge NIH/NIGMS' full or partial support of your research in journal articles, oral or poster presentations, news releases, interviews with reporters, and other communications. The citation in scientific publications should use the following format:
    • 'Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01GM085232.'​
    • If the research received funding through the Institutional Development Award (IDeA) program, see Attribution of IDeA Support.
    • If you have more than one grant, only cite the one(s) that directly supported the research described in the article or presentation (see below).
  • If you wish to acknowledge NIH/NIGMS funding on your website or other communication product, you may use wording such as:

    Funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health 
    Funded by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health.

Citing Multiple Grants and Scientific Overlap

If you receive support from more than one NIGMS or NIH research award, you should only cite the grant(s) that had a substantial contribution to the research described in the publication.

  • The specific aims or the particular research supported by the grant ​should be the determining factor. For example, if the award supported the conduct of experiments or the analysis of data that contributed to the publication.
  • This would apply even in cases where one of the authors on the article (e.g., a technician) works on multiple projects and is paid through multiple grants, or when equipment used in the reported work was purchased on a different grant.
  • Support of shared resources or equipment (e.g., Regional Cryo-EM or institutional core facilities or large databases) should be cited in addition to the research grants, as required by the resource.
  • Acknowledging multiple research awards for a single PI in a publication may be taken as an indicator of scientific overlap among the cited projects. This is important when considering support of research in well-funded laboratories. Our advisory council expects the Institute to support projects only if they are highly promising and distinct from other funded work in the laboratory.​


This page last updated on 03/06/2025 8:21 AM