Funding Opportunities

NIGMS places great emphasis on the support of individual, investigator-initiated grants within its scientific mission areas. Most grants are for research projects (R01/R35), but NIGMS also funds small business (SBIR/STTR) grants as well as some research resources. The Institute encourages research in certain scientific areas through requests for applications, Notices of Special Interest, and program announcements.

For the latest information on NIGMS funding opportunities, trends, and more, subscribe to our Feedback Loop blog.

NIGMS also participates in the NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRP) to enhance the quality of the scientific community through incentives for biomedical and behavioral researchers and trainees. Eligibility criteria and other details can be found on our LRP page.

Which Research Grant is Right for Me?

This decision tree will help identify potential fit to one or more notices of funding opportunity (NOFOs) NIGMS generally uses to fund research project grants (RPGs), including R35, R16, R15, and R01.
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