Welcome to the Resources for Post-Award Management. This guide is intended to provide support to NIGMS recipients and applicants. It is sorted alphabetically by topic. Prior approval items such as no cost extensions, change of recipient organization, etc. are all included under the Prior Approval topic.
Talking to NIH Staff about your Application and/or Grant
For questions about an award, please contact the Grants Management Specialist listed on the Notice of Award. Be sure and include the Program Official on all correspondence. For applicants, please contact the Agency Contact listed in Section VII of the Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Disclaimer: These links are not meant to be comprehensive in coverage of all requirements and components. It is current as of the date on the bottom of this page.
Click on the resource title (left column) to open the item.
Clinical Trials
Basic experimental studies involving humans (BESH) are studies that meet both the federal definition of basic research and the NIH definition of a clinical trial. Find new resources to help differentiate between a measurement and an intervention, learn about answering the 4 clinical trial questions for BESH, and more.
Tool to help determine if a Human Subjects Research Study Meets the NIH Definition of a Clinical Trial.
NIGMS Clinical Studies and Trials Information for Applicants and Grantees
Data Management & Sharing Policy (DMSP)
NIGMS believes that, in general, most of its grantees are already meeting the NIH policy requirements and submitting a DMS plan with a grant application will formalize what PIs already do and make explicit the expectations of their scientific community for sharing of data. This page has example NIGMS DMS plan examples and FAQs.
Key differences between the 2003 Data Sharing Policy and the NEW Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy, effective for due dates on/after January 25, 2023.
One-pager that outlines The Who, What, Where and When of the NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy.
The purpose of this notice is to remind the community of the effective date of the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS Policy) and summarize available key resources.
Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS Policy) describes considerations and best practices for the responsible and respectful management and sharing of AI/AN participant data under the DMS Policy.
To aid applicants and grantees in navigating this new policy, NIGMS has developed examples of acceptable plans for different types of applications including:
- Research project grants (RPGs)
- Small business innovation research (SBIR) and small business technology transfer (STTR) applications
- Research projects that are determined post-award (for example, through developmental or pilot project programs)
- Clinical data and/or clinical trials
Data Safety Monitoring in Clinical Trials: NIGMS Guidelines for Data and Safety Monitoring in Clinical Trials
DMS plan reporting instructions specific to COBRE Phase 1
DMS plan reporting instructions specific to COBRE Phase 2
DMS plan reporting instructions specific to COBRE Phase 3
DMS plan reporting instructions specific to INBRE
DMS plan reporting instructions specific to CTR-N
DMS plan reporting instructions specific to CTR-D
DMS plan reporting instructions specific to NARCH
Description of eRA Commons User Roles
A list of user roles which may be associated to the recipients account.
Federal Financial Report (FFR)
Provides a description of FFRs and how to access.
Effective October 1, 2022, PMS will no longer be converting NIH Final FFRs to Interim Annual FFRs in accordance with NOT-OD-22-099, which notified the NIH recipient community that recipients are no longer required to submit quarterly cash transaction reports 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter. As a reminder, unliquidated obligations may not be reported on the Final FFRs for the terminal year of the project period; Line item 10f Federal Share of Unliquidated Obligations must be zero. PMS system validations will prevent submission reporting unliquidated obligations on a Final FFR. For NIH institutional research training awards submitting a final FFR for a document segment that need to report unliquidated obligations for appointed trainees in accordance with the NIH Grants Policy Statement (GPS), recipients must first contact the Grants Management Official at the awarding IC. If the training award is continuing (e.g., Type 2 competing continuation is awarded), the Grants Management Official will work with the eRA Service Desk to convert the Final FFR to an Interim Annual FFR since it will not be the Final FFR for the award.
How to search for FFRs in eRA for recipient institutions.
Harassment and Discrimination Protections in NIH Training Applications Requirement
The purpose of this notice is to inform the extramural community that applications for National Institutes of Health (NIH) institutional training grants (T15, T32, T34, T35, T36, T37, T90/R90, TL1, TL4) must include a letter on institutional letterhead signed by a key institutional leader that describes the institutional commitment to ensuring that proper policies, procedures, and oversight are in place to prevent discriminatory harassment and other discriminatory practices. This policy applies to applications submitted for due dates on or after January 25, 2019. The specific section in which the harassment and discrimination protections should appear is detailed below.
How do I find out who is the signing official?
Recipients can find the list of signing officials for their institution in the Institution Profile.
Human Subjects
Podcast designed for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others just curious about the application and award process; they provide insights on human subjects research post-award.
Overview of NIH Policies on Human Subjects (video).
Overview of single IRB requirements.
Overview of Certificates of Confidentiality (CoC) including: Information Protected by a CoC, Investigator and Institution CoC Responsibilities, CoCs for NIH-funded Research, CoCs for Research Not Funded by NIH and CoC Policy Background Information.
The Office of Extramural Research (OER) has developed a quick decision tool that should assist you with determining if your research involves human subjects, may be considered exempt from Federal regulations, or is not considered human subjects research. This tool should not be used as the sole determination of exemption.
Overview of genomic data sharing policy
Is this human subject research?
Flowchart: Research Involving Private Information or Biospecimens.
Infographic: Exempt Human Subjects Research
eRA HSS training that includes video tutorials and other resources
General application instructional guide for NIH and other PHS agencies.
Find useful information about proposing and conducting NIH extramural research involving human subjects, including policies, regulations, training and resources. Learn about considerations for human subjects research when planning and submitting a research application or contract proposal, and throughout the extramural funding cycle
Podcast designed for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others just curious about the application and award process; they provide insights on determining if what constitutes Human subjects research.
Podcast designed for investigators, fellows, students, research administrators, and others just curious about the application and award process; they provide insights on human subjects protection and monitoring plans.
HSS warnings and errors quick guide for PIs and SOs
Step-by-step instructions on how to complete the participant-level data template.
Collated list of recruitment and retention resources.
You must have an iEdison account AND a Login.gov account (both using the same email address) in order to access iEdison. If you had an iEdison account in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) eRA iEdison, it was automatically migrated into the new iEdison system. All you need to do is register for a GSA Login.gov account with the same email address affiliated with your iEdison account.
The basic iEdison training consists of two 2-hour sessions. NIST will be providing sessions of Part I and Part II approximately every other month. You are welcome to attend as many sessions as you would like, but you are strongly encouraged to attend one Part I session and one Part II session.
Provides a basic understanding of how to complete common tasks in iEdison.
NIGMS TWD Training Table Instructions
Videos and associated slides created by TWD explaining how to fill out NIGMS Training Tables.
NIH Grants Policy Statement (NIHGPS)
The NIH Grants Policy Statement (NIHGPS) makes available, in a single document, the policy requirements that serve as the terms and conditions of NIH grant awards. By accepting an award, recipients agree to comply with the requirements in the NIH Grants Policy Statement except where the notice of award states otherwise.
NIH Training Tables
Instructions, blank, and sample training tables.
Notice of Award
NINDS website for PIs and institutional officials about understanding their Notice of Award.
Feedback loop article that provides guidance on the Notice of Award (NOA), project reporting requirements, flexibilities in award management, and matters that require additional NIGMS approval.
Payment Management System (PMS)
Provides instructions on creating a new PMS user account, retrieving an existing PMS user request and deactivating an existing PMS user account.
In this two-hour session that covers access PMS, completing a payment request, performing APEX inquiries, running report requests and completing the Federal Financial Report (FFR).
An automated form for recipient institutions to locate their dedicated representative.
Required as part of an updated Payment Management System access process and includes instructions to recipients on creating an ID.me account. The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) works with ID.me to verify your identity for the Payment Management System (PMS). This article explains how to set up your ID.me account to use with HHS PMS.
The job aids listed on this page contain easy instructions on signing in and account creation. Also includes quick answer links and a link to submit a help ticket.
Updated Process for Requesting Drawdowns Outside of the Liquidation Period
Payment Management User Guide for recipient institutions. PMS User Guide that includes: Using Payment Management System's Partner Logins, Types of International Grantees, Grant Recipient User Access, Banking, Payment Request/Status of Payment Request, FFR Information, Return of Funds, Journal Voucher Information, Federal Cash Transaction Report (FCTR).
Grant Recipient FAQs | HHS PSC FMP Payment Management
Payment Management System Help Desk
Hours: M-F 5:00 am - 11:00 pm EST
Weekends 9:00 am - 9:00 pm EST
Phone: 877-614-5533
Predoctoral Biomedical and MSTP NRSA Training Programs (T32)
NIGMS FAQs about post-award grants management and progress reports for Basic Biomedical and MSTP T32s.
Prior Approval
Additional no-cost extension, extension greater than 12 months, or late notification of initial no-cost extension All instances.
All instances. Also, any proposals to convey, transfer, assign, mortgage, lease, or in any other manner encumber real property acquired with NIH grant funds.
All instances. Includes undertaking any activities disapproved or restricted as a condition of the award.
All instances, including extension of a final budget period of a project period with additional funds.
More than 90 days before effective date of the initial budget period of a new or competing continuation award; always at the recipient's own risk.
NRSA Institutional Training Grants
NRSA Individual Fellowships
NRSA Individual Fellowships
To reduce administrative burden on INBRE recipients, developmental research projects and pilot projects that do not involve Human Subjects (HS) or Vertebrate Animals (VA) research will only require official notification to NIGMS with appropriate documentation at least 14 calendar days before the projects begin. Prior approval by NIGMS is no longer required to initiate these projects.
INBRE developmental research projects and pilot projects that involve human subjects or vertebrate animals research will continue to require NIGMS prior approval before the projects can begin.
My Bibliography - My NCBI Help - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov) Managing compliance to the NIH Public Access Policy
Attribution of NIH/NIGMS Support Recipients acknowledge NIH.NIGMS’ full or partial support of your research is journal articles, presentations, news releases, and other communications
Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)
Feedback Loop article that discusses common issues and how to address them.
Provides an overview of the annual RPPR, the final RPPR and the interim RPPR and provides resources to help grantees understand how to submit a progress report. Contains who, what, when, where, and how information including due date information.
PDF Instructions for submitting RPPRs.
A user with a SO role can search for recent Notice of Award, Awards with RPPRs due, or Awards pending closeout for the grantee institution.
Provides an overview of the final RPPR and the interim RPPR and provides resources to help grantees understand how to submit a progress report for recipient institutions.
Provides step-by-step descriptions and screenshots for preparing and submitting RPPRs for recipient institutions.
Online help to assist SO or AA roles at recipient institutions delegate a PI or ASST role progress report authority.
Online help to assist recipient institutions remove a signing official for example when a person leaves the organization.
eRA RPPR Submission Validations for Clinical Trial Registration and Results Reporting
Other Support. Requirements for both JIT and RPPR. Links to example other support and eRA JIT online help are also included on this webpage.
Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA)
Support for Research Excellence (SuRE) Program
Provides instructions and training on managing grantsmanship particularly in preparing for submission of a NIH Sure R16 application.
Termination of the Requirement for COBRE, INBRE, IDeA-CTR, and NARCH Awards to Provide Supplemental Annual Reports through the Scientific Information Reporting System (SIRS)
Supplemental annual reports through (Supplemental Annual Reports through the Scientific Information Reporting System (SIRS) no longer required as of 10/01/2023.
TWD Undergrad and Predoc NRSA Training Programs (T32 and T34)
NIGMS FAQs about post-award grants management and progress reports for B2B, U-RISE, MARC, B2D, G-RISE, and IMSD training programs.
Programs targeted to undergraduates (e.g., T34 awards) should not use the xTRACT system, but should instead use the fillable tables designed for undergraduate programs available on the NIH website.
Vertebrate Animals
Provides oversite of Policies and Law, Guidance, Education and other resources including a tool to look up assured institutions.
Welcome Wagon Letter
Highlights information critical to administration and ?scal management of award, such as reporting requirements.
Provides useful policy links and resources including NIH, grantee, and PI roles and responsibilities
Highlights xTRACT’s purpose, features, and user benefits.
Provides a highly detailed guide to the entire module in PDF format.
Use the information on this page to learn how to access and use xTRACT for research training tables used in reporting and application submission.
Provides online user documentation for xTRACT. It includes screenshots and step-by step directions for using the xTRACT module.
Includes video tutorials on using xTRACT.
These videos take you through completing the NIH tables for undergraduate and graduate research training grant applications and, when applicable, research performance progress reports.
Highlights xTrain's purpose, major features and user benefits.
An in-depth PDF detailing how to access xTrain; establish user roles; and submit appointments, reappointments, amendments, and termination notices geared toward recipient institutions.
Covers xTrain institutional functions for appointments, reappointments, and amendments geared toward recipient institutions.
Provides online user documentation for xTrain. Useful because it includes screenshots and step-by step directions for using the xTrain module geared toward recipient institutions.
Appointment instructions. When the PI has questions about why an appointment doesn't appear to be completed when the PI already initiated the appointment. The PI should ensure the trainee follows the instructions in the "trainee" link to the left and then the instructions in the PI should follow the instructions in the "PD/PI" link AFTER the trainee completes their piece.
Appointment instructions. When the PI has questions about why an appointment doesn't appear to be completed when the PI already initiated the appointment. The PI should ensure the trainee follows the instructions in the "trainee" link to the left and then the instructions in the PI should follow the instructions in the "PD/PI" link AFTER the trainee completes their piece.
Includes video tutorials on using xTrain. Specifically, the following videos are available: xTrain overview, xTrain Appointments and xTrain Terminations. The following Quick Reference Guides are also available: Initiating an Appointment , Getting Started for Trainees, xTrain overview and functions, Reappointments and Amendments.
See item 7 if there are questions regarding the stipend amount to include on the Termination Notice. Form must be submitted via xTRAIN.
Disclaimer: This document is for informational purposes only. It serves as an overview and is not meant to be comprehensive in coverage of all requirements and components. It is current as of the date below.
This page last updated on
02/24/2025 8:38 AM