Start Date: 4/4/2000 8:00 AM
End Date: 4/6/2000 6:30 PM
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This document reports the principles agreed at the April 4-6, 2000 meeting of representatives of the structural genomics community. Its purpose is to generate further co-operation in the structural biology and general scientific communities. The document may serve as a basis for an appropriately timed announcement to the international public on the initiation of a worldwide effort in structural genomics.
Success of the genome sequencing projects and major advances in methods of protein structure determination have led the structural biology community to propose the large scale mapping of protein structure space. This structural genomics initiative aims at the discovery, analysis and dissemination of three-dimensional structures of protein, RNA and other biological macromolecules representing the entire range of structural diversity found in nature. Such a complete knowledge will facilitate fundamental understanding and applications in biology, agriculture and medicine. The three-dimensional structures will be crucial for rational drug design, for advancing catalysis in chemistry and biotechnology, and for diagnosis and treatment of disease, as well as for advancing basic principles of biology.
This opportunity is made possible by rapid recent progress in several related key technologies. These include the construction of synchrotrons and high-field NMR instruments, the MAD method of phase determination, high throughput cloning and recombinant expression, a flood of information from genome sequencing projects, and new bioinformatic methods for fold assignment, model building, and prediction of function.
The following document outlines issues related to achieving this expansion of knowledge. The goal is to encourage harmonious cooperation among a broad range of public and private sector institutions in the international effort to characterize macromolecular structures in living organisms on a pan-genomic scale.
A. Specific goals
B. Programs needed
A. Public funding agencies can cooperate:
B. Information and Material Release in the National Structural Genomics Programs
C. Relationship to industrial activities
Raw fundamental data on the shape of natural protein molecules, including 3D positional coordinates, should be made freely available to researchers everywhere. However, intellectual property protection for inventions based on these can play an important role in stimulating the development of important new health care projects. Policies should be established to permit an appropriate balance between these goals.
Annual meetings of representatives of the structural genomics community are anticipated for the continued discussion of these issues. The Second International Structural Genomics Meeting is being planned for April 4-6, 2001, in Virginia, USA.
These principles were supported by the participants in the First International Structural Genomics Meeting in Cambridge, UK, April 4-6, 2000.
Dr Sherin Abdel-Meguid Suntory Pharmaceutical Research Laboratories One Kendall Square Building 1400W Cambridge, MA 02139 USA Phone: 00 1 617 621 0222 Fax: 00 1 617 621 0555
Dr Geoff Barton EMBL-EBI The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridgeshire, UK CB10 1SD Phone: 01223 494414 Fax: 01223 494496
Professor Helen Berman Protein Data Bank Rutgers University Chemistry Department 610 Taylor Road Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA Phone: 00 1 732 445 4667 Fax: 00 1 732 445 4320
Professor Ivano Bertini Director, Magnetic Resonance Center University of Florence Via L. Sacconi 6 50019 Sesto Fiorentino Italy Phone: 00 39 055 4209 270 Fax: 00 39 055 4209 271
Professor Sir Tom Blundell Department of Biochemistry University of Cambridge Tennis Court Road Cambridge, UK CB2 1GA Phone: 01223 333628 Fax: 01223 766082
Professor Stephen K Burley The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue Box 55 New York, NY 10021-6399 USA Phone: 00 1 212 327 7240 Fax: 00 1 327 7240
Dr Christian Cambillau AFMB-CNRS 31 Ch. J. Aiguier 13402 Marseille Cedex 20 France Phone: 00 33 491 16 45 02 Fax: 00 33 491 16 45 36
Mr. David Carr Policy Unit The Wellcome Trust 210 Euston Road London, UK NW1 2BE Phone: 0171 611 8220 Fax: 0171 611 8742
Dr Marvin Cassman Director, NIGMS NIH 45 Center Drive MSC-6200 Bethesda, MD 20892-6200 USA Phone: 00 1 301 594 2172 Fax: 00 1 301 402 0156
Dr Cyrus Chothia MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology University of Cambridge Hills Road Cambridge, UK CB2 2QH Phone: 01223 402221 Fax: 01223 213556
Miss Nicky Clarkson Conference & Meetings Administrator Hinxton Hall Conference Centre The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridgeshire, UK CB10 1RQ Phone: 01223 495002 Fax: 01223 495114
Dr Robert Cooke Head of Molecular Recognition Medicines Research Centre GlaxoWellcome Research & Development Gunnelswood Road Stevenage Herts, UK SG1 2NY Phone: 01438 763367 Fax: 01438 764865
Ms Anna Curson Project Analyst The Wellcome Trust 183 Euston Road London, UK NW1 2BE Phone: 0171 611 8773 Fax: 0171 611 0708
Professor Christopher Dobson New Chemistry Laboratory University of Oxford South Parks Road Oxford, UK OX1 3QT Phone: 01865 275916 Fax: 01865 275921
Professor Guy Dodson Department of Chemistry University of York York, UK YO10 5DD Phone: 01904 432519 Fax: 01904 410519
Dr Richard Durbin Head of Informatics Division The Sanger Centre The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridgeshire, UK CB10 1SA Phone: 01223 494978 Fax: 01223 494919
Dr Charles Edmonds Program Director Division of Cell Biology & Biophysics NIGMS/NIH 45 Center Drive RM 2AN18B Bethesda, MD 20892-6200 USA Phone: 00 1 301 594 4428 Fax: 00 1 301 480 2004
Professor Aled Edwards Associate Professor Banting and Best Department Of Medical Research C.H Best Institute Room 402 University of Toronto 112 College Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 1L6 Canada Phone: 00 1 416 946 3436 Fax: 00 1 416 978 8528
Professor Roger Fourme LURE Universite Paris-Sud Bât 209 D Université Paris.Sud 91898 Orsay Cedex France Phone: 00 33 1 64 46 81 26 Fax: 00 33 1 64 46 41 02
Professor Paul Freemont Centre for Structural Biology Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine South Kensington London, UK Phone: 0171 269 3291/594 5324 Fax: 0171 269 3671
Dr Michael Geisow 16 The Banks Bingham Nottinghamshire, UK NG13 8BL Phone: 01949 876 156 Fax: 01949 876156
Professor Paul Gilna Program Director Biological Databases & Informatics National Science Foundation 4201 Wilson Blvd Arlington, VA 22230 USA Phone: 00 1 703 306 1469 Fax: 00 1 703 306 0356
Professor Udo Heinemann Kristallographie Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medicin Robert-Rössle-Strasse 10 D-13125 Berlin Germany Phone: 00 49 30 9406 3420 Fax: 00 49 30 9406 2548
Professor Wayne Hendrickson Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Columbia University 630 West 168th Street BB-2-202 New York, NY 10032 USA Phone: 00 1 212 305 3456 Fax: 00 1 212 305 7379
Dr Nobuo Kamiya Senior Scientist Division of Bio-Crystallography Technology RIKEN Harima Institute/Spring 8 Kocuto Mikazuki Myogo 679-5148 Japan Phone: 00 81 791 58 2839 Fax: 00 81 791 58 2834
Professor Robert Kaptein Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research University of Utrecht Padualaan 8 NL-CH-3584 Utrecht The Netherlands Phone: 00 31 30 253 3787 Fax: 00 31 30 253 7623
Professor Sung-Hou Kim Calvin Laboratory University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Phone: 00 1 510 486 4333 Fax: 00 1 510 486 5272
Dr Richard Kramer Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp 556 Morris Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 USA Phone: 00 1 908 277 4687 Fax: 00 1 908 277 5035
Dr Victor Lamzin EMBL C/O Desy Notkerstr 74 22603 Hamburg Germany Phone: 00 49 40 89 902 121 Fax: 00 49 40 89902 149
Professor Michael Levitt Department of Structural Biology Stanford Medical School Stanford, CA 94305 USA Phone: 00 1 650 723 6800 Fax: 00 1 650 723 8464
Professor Peter Lindley European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF, BP 220 F-38043 Grenoble Cedex France Phone: 00 33 4 7688 2014 Fax: 00 33 4 7688 2160
Dr Michal Linial Department of Biological Chemistry Life Science Institute The Hebrew University Givat Ram Jerusalem 91904 Israel Phone: 00 972 2 658 5425 Fax: 00 972 2 658 6448
Dr Albrecht Messerschmidt Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry AM Klopferspitz 18A Germany Phone: 00 49 89 8578 2669 Fax: 00 49 89 8578 3516
Dr Stefan Michalowski Head, Megascience Unit OECD 2 rue André-Pascal 75016 Paris France Phone: 00 33 1 45 24 92 89 Fax: 00 33 1 45 24 96 44
Dr Colin Miles BBSRC Polaris House North Star Avenue Swindon SN2 1UH Phone: 01793 413359 Fax: 01793 413234
Dr Gaetano Montelione CABM - Rutgers University 679 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA Phone: 00 1 732 235 5321 Fax: 00 1 732 235 4850
Dr Michael Morgan Chief Executive of The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus The Wellcome Trust 183 Euston Road London, UK NW1 2BE Phone: 020 7611 8691 Fax: 020 7611 8688
Professor John Moult CARB University of Maryland 9600 Gudelsky Drive Rockville, MD 20850 USA Phone: 00 1 301 738 6241 Fax: 00 1 202 738 6255
Dr John Norvell Program Director Division of Cell Biology & Biophysics NIGMS/NIH 45 Center Drive Room 2AS13B Bethesda, MD 20892-6200 USA Phone: 00 1 301 594 0533 Fax: 00 1 301 480 2004
Dr Mark Palmer Medical Research Council 20 Park Crescent London, UK W1N 4AL Phone: 0171 7670 5360 Fax: 0171 7637 2856
Dr Ari Patrinos Associate Director for Biological & Environmental Research US Department of Energy 19901 Germantown Road Germantown, MD 20874-1290 USA Phone: 00 1 301 903 3251 Fax: 00 1 903 5051
Professor Simon Phillips Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University of Leeds Leeds, UK LS2 9JT Phone: 0113 233 3027 Fax: 0113 233 1407
Dr Debbie Poole Programme Manager The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridgeshire, UK CB10 1RQ Phone: 01223 495006 Fax: 01223 495114
Professor Randy Read Wellcome Trust/MRC Building Hills Road Cambridge, UK CB2 2XY Phone: 01223 336500 Fax: 01223 336827
Professor David Rice Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology University of Sheffield Firth Court Western Bank Sheffield, UK S10 2TN Phone: 0114 222 2750 Fax: 0114 222 2850
Dr Ajay Royyuru Computational Biology Center IBM T J Watson Research Center PO Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA Phone: 00 1 914 784 7813 Fax: 00 1 914 784 7455
Professor Chris Sander CISO Millennium Predictive Medicine 700 One Kendall Square Cambridge, MA 02139 USA Phone: 00 1 617 577 3534/7245 Fax: 00 1 617 249 0169
Mr. David Seemungal Policy Unit The Wellcome Trust 210 Euston Road London, UK NW1 2BE Phone: 0171 611 8290 Fax: 0171 611 8742
Dr Barbara Skene Scientific Programme Manager Wellcome Trust 183 Euston Road London, UK NW1 2BE Phone: 0171 611 8677 Fax: 0171 611 0708
Dr Sharon Spencer Catalyst Biomedica Ltd. 183 Euston Road London, UK NW1 2BE Phone: 0171 611 8310 Fax: 0171 611 8857
Professor Joel Sussman Department of Structural Biology Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot 76100 Israel Phone: 00 972 8 934 2638 Fax: 00 972 8 934 4159
Dr William Taylor Division of Mathematical Biology National Institute for Medical Research The Ridgeway, Mill Hill London, UK NW7 1AA Phone: 0181 959 3666 Fax: 0181 913 8545
Dr Tom Terwilliger Los Alamos National Laboratory Mail Stamp M888 Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA Phone: 00 1 505 667 0072 Fax: 00 1 505 665 3024
Dr Jean-Claude Thierry CNRS IGBMC - 1 rue Laurent Fries 67400 Illkirch France Phone: 00 33 3 88 65 33 06 Fax: 00 33 3 88 65 32 76
Professor Janet Thornton Biomolecular & Molecular Biology University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT Phone: 0171 3807048 Fax: 0171 9618499
Dr Tony Wilkinson AstraZeneca Mereside, Room 8AF4 Alderley Park Macclesfield Cheshire SK10 4TG Phone: 01625 515167 Fax: 01625 517692
Dr Shigeyuki Yokoyama Genomic Sciences Centre RIKEN 2-1 Hirosawa Wako Saitama 351-0198 Japan Phone: 00 81 48 467 9427 Fax: 00 81 48 462 4675