Science Education Partnership Award Webinar
The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) R25 program, supports pre-K to grade 12 (P-12) STEM, informal science education and science center/museum projects. Grant proposals to solicitation PAR-17-339 are due by 5:00 p.m. local time Monday, July 9, 2018. To provide an overview of the SEPA program and application process, staff from the NIGMS and the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) will host a Webinar on Tuesday, May 22 at 2 PM EDT. The first 45 min will consist of SEPA goals, review process and grants issues followed by a question-and-answer session.
Participants are encouraged to review the SEPA funding opportunity announcement (FOA), PAR-17-339, and visit the SEPA website.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
2:00 pm (1 hr )
Meeting number (access code): 629 665 083
Host key: 617054
Meeting password: jrppH2SJ
Webinar link