Sponsored Programs Administration Development (SPAD) Program (UC2) Webinar



Start Date
End Date

​​​NIGMS will host a webinar to provide advice and respond to questions from prospective applicants who plan to submit applications in response to RFA-RM-19-004 "Sponsored Programs Administration Development (SPAD) Program (UC2). During the webinar, NIGMS staff will provide an overview of the program and will explain application expectations and requirements for the upcoming July 25 receipt date.

To join the meeting: https://nih.webex.com/nih/j.php?MTID=m78a6a5cd09c48d427af9466e0180db5e

Meeting ID: 626 811 236​

Event Password: SPAD2019

Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-479-3208

Participation in the Webinar, although encouraged, is optional and is not required for the submission of an application.​

Please direct all inquiries to: Luis Cubano, Ph.D.​

This page last updated on 02/25/2025 5:06 PM