Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Notice of Special Interest: NOT-GM-22-001
Background and Objectives
This funding initiative is to encourage collaborations among investigators supported by various programs in IDeA states. The specific objectives for this Administrative Supplement are: (1) to provide investigators and students from INBRE partner institutions greater access to research activities supported by the IDeA Program and (2) to encourage investigators supported by COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH awards to be involved in building a deeper bench in research areas the IDeA Program has supported.
To achieve these objectives:
- This funding initiative is to encourage collaborations among investigators supported by various programs in IDeA states. The specific objectives for this Administrative Supplement are: (1) to provide investigators and students from INBRE partner institutions greater access to research activities supported by the IDeA Program and (2) to encourage investigators supported by COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH awards to be involved in building a deeper bench in research areas the IDeA Program has supported.
- The project must be a collaboration between investigator(s) from the INBRE partner institution and investigator(s) supported by COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH awards, in a research area supported by the collaborating program. PIs of the collaborating programs are expected to have a significant role in developing the collaboration together with the INBRE PIs.
- The project must be a collaboration between investigator(s) from the INBRE partner institution and investigator(s) supported by COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH awards, in a research area supported by the collaborating program. PIs of the collaborating programs are expected to have a significant role in developing the collaboration together with the INBRE PIs.
Who is eligible to apply for the supplements?
All active INBREs within the originally reviewed and approved project period are eligible to apply. INBREs on no cost extension are ineligible for this opportunity. This applies also to COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH programs that will collaborate with INBREs.
What is the definition of an "investigator supported by INBRE" as stated in the Notice?
An investigator from any of the partner institutions, who is currently supported by the INBRE Developmental Research Project Program (DRPP) or was supported by the DRPP during the current five-year INBRE award.
What is the definition of a "COBRE supported investigator" as stated in the Notice?
A Research Project Leader or a Pilot Project Leader who is currently supported by the COBRE or was supported during the current five-year COBRE award. Current COBRE-supported investigators may be collaborators but not co-project leads of this supplement.
What is the definition of a "IDeA-CTR supported investigator" as stated in the Notice?
An IDeA-CTR investigator who is currently supported by the CTR Pilot Project Program (PPP) or was supported by the PPP during the current five-year CTR award. Current IDeA-CTR-supported investigators may be collaborators but not co-project leads of this supplement.
Does the collaboration need to be between programs within a state?
No, the collaborative projects can be proposed between programs across the IDeA states, although in-state collaboration is encouraged.
How close should the project be to the scientific focus of COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH?
The proposed project(s) should be in research areas supported by the current COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH awards.
Is there a limit for the number of proposed projects?
No. However, since this is a 1-year supplement with a limited budget ($120,000 direct cost), a focused collaborative project rather than multiple collaborative projects is encouraged.
Can more than one collaborating awards (COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH) be included in the application with INBRE?
Yes. Please refer to the answer in the previous question.
Can funds from this supplement be used to develop new services by Cores?
No. This supplement supports efforts/activities/services specific to the collaborative project(s) proposed.
For student involvement required by the Notice, does participation by students from Research Intensive Institutions meet the requirement?
No. Participation by students from INBRE partner institutions is required. Although participation by students from non-PUI institutions is allowed, it does not meet the requirement.
Can I submit a collaborative project as the continuation of a previous INBRE supplement award?
No. The goal of the NOSI is to provide collaborative opportunities to more PUI investigators in the INBRE network. The previous collaborative project(s) can continue, if incomplete, using carryover funds in the next year. If successful, they should seek out other independent support from NIH or other sources.
Will investigators be allowed to charge time and effort to this award?
Yes, investigators will be allowed to charge appropriate time and effort.
When will the awards be made?
It is anticipated the awards will be made in April and May each year.
What is the actual funding period?
Up to one year.
Will a no-cost extension be allowed?
The activity of the supplement may continue in the next budget period of the award. Current FY funds from the parent INBRE award can be used until carryover of unspent supplement funds from prior FY are approved by NIGMS.
If fee-for-service is proposed, can Cores charge fees from the supplement funds?
Investigators are allowed to use the funds to pay for services provided by Cores.
Are there any restrictions on equipment in the budget?
No, as long as the equipment(s) is essential and justified for the proposed project(s). In the budget justification, a statement regarding expenditure of currently available unobligated grant funds for the INBRE should be included.
Format of the Application and Submission
What is the format of the application?
The Research Strategy section is limited to 6 pages and should address the Significance, Approach, Innovation, Investigators, and Environment of the application. The Specific Aims page is not counted in the 6-page limit. The Approach section of the Research Strategy should include two subsections each consisting of a two-page research plan prepared by the investigator(s) from the INBRE partner institution and their collaborating investigator(s) of COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH, respectively. Preliminary results, if applicable, should be included in these subsections.
How should the supplement application be submitted?
The supplement application should be submitted electronically by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization for each receipt date. See Application Submission section in PA-20-272, as well as SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, for detailed guidance.
Should separate budget pages be submitted for INBRE and collaborating program (COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH)?
Yes. Note that collaborators from other institutions will be funded through subcontracts from INBRE.
Other Questions
How will the supplemental applications be reviewed?
Applications will be reviewed by NIGMS Program staff using standard review criteria with an emphasis on scientific merit of the project(s), nature and strength of the collaboration, student involvement, mentoring, and institutional commitment.
How many awards will be made?
The number of awards will be determined by the availability of funds, the number of applications, and the scientific merit of the collaborating research proposed. Approximately 10 awards per year are anticipated.
Can Institutional funds or COBRE (or IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s/R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH) funds be leveraged for this supplement?
Institutional funds can be leveraged for this supplement; however, it is not allowable to do that for COBRE, IDeA-CTR, IDeA co-funded R01s and R15s, ISPCTN, CTSA or NARCH.
We already have a collaborative program between INBRE and COBRE in our State. Can we roll this supplement into our existing program?
No. This supplement is to support a specific collaborative project(s) and should be separate from the existing program.