Research With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) (R01)

The ReWARD program (PAR-25-117) supports scientists who are making a significant contribution to diversity in biomedical research - providing funding for both the scientific research and the diversity-related activities of investigators. ReWARD is a trans-NIH program managed by NIGMS on behalf of multiple Institutes and Centers. Through the ReWARD program, NIGMS funds scientific research in areas related to the programmatic interests of NIGMS and ongoing activities focused on promoting diversity in the biomedical research enterprise within the United States and territories.

The program is intended for individuals with a balanced approach to advancing scientific research and enhancing diversity and applications should be strong in both areas. Investigators who intend to devote the majority of their funded efforts to scientific research are encouraged to apply to the parent R01; those who intend to devote their efforts primarily to diversity enhancement or to propose activities on the scale of an institutional training grant program are encouraged to explore the variety of NIH training funding opportunities aimed at enhancing diversity in the biomedical research workforce. Because this funding is intended for individuals with no current NIH research project grant funding at the time of the award (e.g., individuals who may have faced career setbacks or delays), investigators applying to the ReWARD program are not expected to have extensive publications and preliminary data. However, investigators should have robust research aims and strategies that are rigorous, feasible, and likely to push forward the boundaries of scientific discovery.

Diversity-related activities that focus solely on research mentoring or training within the investigator’s normal duties are not likely to rise to the level of significant, sustained, and/or impactful DEIA contributions supported within the goals of this program.

Applicants should also read the funding announcement instructions carefully before preparing their applications.

To confirm that the scientific research is within NIGMS’ mission areas and whether the past and proposed diversity-related activities are within the program goals, please contact NIGMS ReWARD.