Xiaoli Zhao, Ph.D., is a program director in the Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry. She administers research grants in inflammation, innate immunity, and sepsis, as well as institutional postdoctoral training grants in injury and critical illness, and career development awards in sepsis. 

Prior to joining NIGMS, Zhao was an associate professor in the Department of Physiological Sciences at Eastern Virginia Medical School, and an assistant professor in the School of Pharmacy at Ohio State University. 

Zhao earned a master of pediatrics from Shanxi Medical University in China and a Ph.D. in integrative biology and physiology from Rutgers University, where she ​completed her postdoctoral training.​

To contact Zhao, send email to xiaoli.zhao@nih.gov.

If you’re a reporter wishing to interview Zhao, contact the NIGMS Communications and Public Liaison Branch.

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