In addition to the formal evaluations listed here, NIGMS conducts regular assessments and analyses of its portfolio. These can be found on the Analyses and Other Reports page.
Analyses with an external review panel.
Evaluation of the NIGMS P20 IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Program [PDF]Evaluation of the NIGMS P20 IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence Program - NIGMS Response [PDF]
February 1, 2024
Program Type: P20
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (P20) (PAR-23-100)
Broader Recommendations
During the NIGMS Advisory Council Meeting in February 2024, the Acting Director of the Division for Research Capacity Building (DRCB) outlined the following actions NIGMS is taking to address the recommendations presented by the Working Group (NIH Videocast @ 1:11:30).
Recognizing the Pandemic's Impact on the Program
Enhancing Biomedical Workforce Diversity
Expanding Communication Practices
Developing Research-Based Courses
Examining Qualitative Impacts of INBRE
Evaluation of the NIGMS R25 Bridges to the Baccalaureate (B2B) Program - Working Group Presentation [PDF]
Evaluation of the NIGMS R25 Bridges to the Baccalaureate (B2B) Program – NIGMS Response [PDF]
May 18, 2023
Program Type: R25
Pre-Evaluation NOFOs: Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program (R25) (PAR-17-210)
Findings from this evaluation were presented during the May 2023 NIGMS Council Meeting (NIH Videocast @ 1:39:23).
Recommendations for the B2B Program
During the NIGMS Advisory Council Meeting in September 2023, the Director of the Division of Training, Workforce Development and Diversity (TWD) outlined actions NIGMS is taking to address the recommendations presented by the Working Group (NIH Videocast @ 1:19:01).
Building Qualitative Analysis Capacity
Communicating Successful Practices
Broader Examinations of the Biomedical Research Workforce
Draft Evaluation of the NIH Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) Program – Working Group Presentation [PDF]
Draft Evaluation of the NIH Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) Program – NIGMS Director's Presentation [PDF]
September 2021
Program Type: S06
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) (PAR-20-125)
The items listed in this section represent impressions and suggestions derived from the NIGMS Advisory Council Working Group on NARCH and the NIH Tribal Advisory Council as well as feedback derived from Tribal Leaders through formal Tribal Consultation [PDF].
Questions the Working Group Considered
Summary of feedback from NIH Tribal Advisory Committee
Summary of feedback from formal Tribal Consultation
Commensurate with information contained in the Tribal Consultation Report [PDF], NIGMS plans to consider the following actions which were presented during the September 2021 NIGMS Advisory Council Meeting by the NIGMS Institute Director. In June 2023, NIGMS released an updated NARCH NOFO: PAR-23-166 incorporating some of the findings and recommendations from the evaluation and tribal consultation, with other specific recommendations described below along with programs launched in response.
Tribal Technical Assistance and Resource Center(s)
Grants to Tribes to help them build or enhance their own Sponsored Programs Offices
Grants to Support the Establishment or Enhancement of Tribal Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
Planning Grants for Tribes without NARCH Awards
Training Grants for Tribes/Tribal Organizations
Evaluation of the NIGMS Support for Competitive Research (SCORE) Program [PDF]
January 16, 2020
Program Type: SC1, SC2, SC3
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: SCORE Research Advancement Award (PAR-20-039),SCORE Pilot Project Award (SC2) (PAR-20-040), and SCORE Research Continuance Award (SC3) (PAR-20-041)
Findings from this evaluation were presented during the January 2020 NIGMS Council Meeting
During NIGMS Advisory Council Meeting in May 2020, the Research Capacity Building Division Director, outlined steps to address the recommendations.
Recommendation 1 Response: Focus on a new objective of developing institutional research capacity
Recommendation 2 Response: Support student participation in quality research
Recommendation 3 Response: Revise expected outcomes for grantees
Recommendation 4 Response: Redesigning funding mechanisms for DARE
Recommendation 5 Response: Develop data collection capacity for prospective evolution
During NIGMS Advisory Council meeting in May 2021, Ming Lei, the Research Capacity Building Division Director, introduced the Support for Research Excellence (SuRE) program which replaces the SCORE program:
The SuRE program supports three notices of funding opportunities:
New features of SuRE program include:
National Advisory General Medical Sciences Council Working Group on Sepsis [PDF]
May 17, 2019
Program Type: Sepsis Extramural Portfolio
Pre-Evaluation RFI:Strategies for Advancing Sepsis Research Supported by NIGMS (NOT-GM-18-039)
The Working Group on Sepsis used a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis in the areas of preclinical model systems [PDF], clinical heterogeneity and endotyping [PDF], and the translation of fundamental research into new diagnostic tools and therapies [PDF] (a full list is available in the report) and come up with the following recommendations:
Regarding preclinical sepsis research, NIGMS should:
Regarding clinical sepsis research, NIGMS should:
Regarding efforts to translate discoveries into new diagnostics and therapies, NIGMS should:
Findings from this evaluation were presented during the May 2019 NAGMS Council Meeting.
During September 2019 NAGMS Council meeting, the Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry (PPBC) Division Director outlined steps to address the Working Group’s recommendations.
Recommendation Response:
Evaluation of Postdoctoral NRSA T32 Institutional Training Grant Program [PDF]
June 27, 2018
Program Type: T32
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: T32 Training Grants
Findings from this evaluation were presented during the May 2018 NIGMS Council Meeting
During NIGMS Advisory Council meeting in September 2018, the Training and Workforce Diversity Division Director, outlined steps that to address the recommendations
Recommendation 1 Response: NIGMS will continue to support and monitor the programs by conducting portfolio analyses, attending relevant clinical research meetings, interacting with relevant professional societies. NIGMS is aware of the financial obstacles faced by clinician scientists and will continue to monitor income differential of clinical research careers compared to clinical pursuits and explore solutions to retain clinician-scientists.
Recommendation 2 Response : NIGMS has posted goals of the programs on the NIGMS postdoctoral T32 website. To enhance data collection, NIGMS formed collaborations with:
Recommendation 3 Response: NIGMS conducted analyses and outreach in each of the areas to ensure that the training was in alignment with current trends in clinical research. For example:
Recommendation 4 Response: The loan repayment eligibility criteria are controlled by Congress and outside of NIGMS’ authority. NIGMS reached out to the Director of the Loan Repayment Office to pass on the concerns of the committee.
Evaluation of the NIGMS R25 Bridges to the Doctorate Program [PDF]
June 15, 2018
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: PAR-17-209
The absence of high-quality trainee data made it essentially impossible to critically evaluate the Bridges to Doctorate program.
Additional Recommendations:
The evaluation was presented at the May 2018 NAGMS Advisory Council by a member of the external evaluating committee.
A presentation of the NIGMS response to the B2D Evaluation was presented to the September 2018 NAGMS Advisory Council by the NIGMS Training, Workforce Development and Diversity Division Director. The main recommendation responses are as follows:
Recommendation 1 Response: The NIGMS Training, Workforce Development and Diversity Division Director, the Undergraduate and Postdoctoral Branch Chief, and Program Staff met with National Science Foundation (NSF) officials overseeing the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program and discussed the potential for the benchmark comparison, but uniformly arrived at the consensus that the NIGMS and NSF programs are distinct and therefore not comparable. The recent program evaluations based on progress reports show that PREP program have similar outcomes for transitioning into and completing Ph.D. programs.
Recommendation 2 Response: NIGMS has since formed collaborations with the Census Bureau to analyze student data longitudinally and with the NIH Office of Extramural Research and eRA Commons to improve the collection of participant outcome data by requiring on-line data entry and establishing a centralized database with participant information.
Additional Recommendation Response: Based on the outcome evaluation and analysis of successful long-standing programs, the notice of funding opportunity has been subsequently revised and reissued (PAR-21-198). Relevant outcome evaluation features include:
The diversity enhancing programs have been restructured. One positive outcome of this restructuring allows for enhanced capacity for evaluation. For example, all diversity enhancing programs now focus on a specific career stage to facilitate better tracking of trainees through the research training pathway. The Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training program supports individuals as they make the transition from master’s degree granting institutions to research-intensive to Ph.D. degree granting institutions.
Report of the Biomedical Technology Research Resources External Review Committee [PDF]
May 2016
Program Type: P41
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: PAR-14-021
Findings of this evaluation report were presented during the May 2016 NAGMS Council meeting.
Report of the National Centers for Systems Biology External Review Committee [PDF]
January 2016
Program Type: P50
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: PAR-14-319
The findings of this analysis were presented during the January 2016 National Advisory General Medical Sciences (NAGMS) Council Meeting).
Analyses conducted independently by DIMA/OPAE staff without an external review panel.
F31 Diversity Fellowship Program Evaluation [PDF]
January 25, 2019
Program Type: F31
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: PA-16-308
MIDAS Program Evaluation Report (STPI) [PDF]
September 2016
Program Type: U01
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: RFA-GM-14007
Outcomes Evaluation NIGMS Legacy Community-Wide Scientific Resources Pilot Program [PDF]
May 5, 2016
Program Type: R24
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: PAR-13-324
Project Grant (P01) Analysis
April 20, 2016
Program Type: P01
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: PAR-13-280
The findings of this analysis were presented during the January 2016 NAGMS Council meeting and published in an April 2016 Feedback Loop post.
Analyses conducted by DIMA/OPAE (in collaboration with division representatives) without an external review.
Joint DMS/NIGMS Initiative to Support Research at the Interface of the Biological and Mathematical Sciences Analysis [PDF]
April 14, 2020
Program Type: R01
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: NSF Program Solicitation 18-566NIH Guide Notice NOT-GM-17-010
Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) (K12) Outcomes Assessment [PDF]
June 21, 2016
Program Type: K12
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: PAR-13-290
Findings of the report were presented during the May 2016 NIGMS Council, and published in a June 2016 Feedback Loop Post.
Educational Outcomes from the Maximizing Access to Research Careers Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research (MARC U-STAR) Program [PDF]
March 14, 2016
Program Type: T34
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: PAR-16-113
The findings of this analysis were presented during the May 2016 NIGMS Council meeting videocast and published in a May 2016, NIGMS Feedback Loop post.
Analysis of Scholar Outcomes for the NIGMS Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program [PDF]
August 28, 2015
Pre-Evaluation NOFO: PAR-14-076
The results were published in a September 2015 and discussed in a Feedback Loop post.