Becoming a Reviewer for NIGMS

The NIGMS Scientific Review Branch (SRB) is always seeking outstanding scientists to serve as reviewers. Some of the general qualifications for being a reviewer are a track record of published research, an interest in a broad scope of sciences, and a wide range of scientific, educational, and institutional experiences. Reviewers must be committed to objectivity and fairness and be willing to provide thoughtful and constructive critiques. We also want our panel members to consist of individuals from different institutions and backgrounds.

Scientific Expertise Needed

For our standing study sections that review training grant ​applications, we seek reviewers who have managed or been substantially involved in a training program(s) at their institution. For Special Emphasis Panels (SEPs), the science can span the entire breadth of basic science supported by NIGMS and varies significantly from one review panel to the next.

Training the Next Generation of Reviewers

SRB generally seeks experienced reviewers for the roles of primary and secondary reviewers. However, we are also committed to training new reviewers and often recruit individuals who are published but have no previous NIH review experience. Being an NIH reviewer is demanding but has its own rewards, including discovering the ways that other scientists think about science.

Reviewer Orientation

The variety of different grant mechanisms reviewed by NIGMS SRB dictates that Scientific Review Officers (SROs) carefully orient reviewers prior to every review meeting. Our orientations include the basics of grant application review but also the background, objectives, and special review criteria for the specific type of applications under review. For new reviewers, SROs also provide personal guidance and helpful resources for all aspects of the review process. These resources include step by step instructions for participating in a grant review, guidance for navigating the NIH Internet Assisted Review (IAR) system, and answers to reviewers’ frequently asked questions.

Reviewers must also complete brief training on review integrity and recognizing bias.

How to Become a Reviewer For NIGMS SRB

If you would like to become a reviewer for NIGMS SRB, let us know by completing our volunteer reviewer information form. You’ll be asked for your expertise and types of applications you are interested in reviewing. This will help us find the best match for you. We cannot say for sure if or when we might contact you to participate in a review. Having the most accurate information will help us find you if your expertise is needed.