Han Nguyen, Ph.D., is a program director the Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences. For the Biophysics Branch, he oversees grants involving the development of theoretical, computational, and physics-based methods with broad applicability in computing, modeling, or theory of the fundamental behaviors of atoms to molecules and their interactions in biological systems. For the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Branch, he oversees grants involving the development of computational algorithms and tools, modeling techniques, and approaches for understanding the complexity of biology ranging from cellular to tissue, organ, and higher order systems.

Nguyen was previously an assistant professor at the University at California, Irvine, in chemical engineering and materials science, and later a research scientist at the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine. He earned his Ph.D. in chemical and biomolecular engineering from the North Carolina State University and conducted his postdoctoral training in biophysics at the Scripps Research Institute and the University of Michigan.

To contact Nguyen, send email to han.nguyen@nih.gov.

If you’re a reporter wishing to interview Nguyen, contact the NIGMS Communications and Public Liaison Branch.

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