NIGMS Technology Development Programs (R21 and R01)
NIGMS Technology Development Programs (R21 and R01): The technology development R21 and R01 notice of funding opportunities (NOFOs) support technological innovations to advance biomedical research. Example technologies, which might originate from biomedical, engineering, or physical sciences disciplines, include instruments, devices, processes, algorithms, software, chemicals, biomolecules, or cells that have potential value for generating new basic biomedical research. The NOFOs support the earliest stages of technology development, establishing feasibility/proof of concept, and prototype validation, and do not support applications that address new biological questions. Investigators are strongly encouraged to contact program staff ( prior to and in preparation for submitting an application to these programs.
Technology Stage
Funding Opportunity
Proof of Concept and Value
Exploratory Research / Technology Feasibility
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Prototype Validation
Iterative Technology R&D / Validation Studies
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Addressing Biological Questions
Applied technology R&D and Dissemination
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Late-Stage Technology Optimization for Broad Utility and Self-Sustaining Dissemination
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Send your questions about the programs to the NIGMS tech dev contact mailbox.