Frontiers in Live Cell Imaging
Natcher Conference Center, NIHBethesda, MD
High resolution [1.2MB, JPG]
In recognition of the many recent advances in live cell imaging, NIGMS and the Cell Migration Consortium co-sponsored a three-day conference to encourage interactions among interested investigators from multiple disciplines, including cell biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics. The program, which included 34 invited speakers, was organized by Dr. Alan F. (Rick) Horwitz from the Department of Cell Biology, University of Virginia, and Dr. Yu-li Wang from the Department of Physiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School. Over 400 scientists attended.
Conference program and speaker information:
Meeting review:
Wang, Y., Hahn, K.M., Murphy, R.F., and Horwitz, A.F. 2006. From imaging to understanding: Frontiers in Live Cell Imaging, Bethesda, MD, April 19-21, 2006.
J. Cell Biol. 174: 481-484.
Archived videocast proceedings:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Cell Migration Consortium website: