Five New NIGMS Grants Expand COVID-19 Testing and Research in Underserved Communities
NIGMS Communications and Public Liaison Branch
The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) has announced five new grant awards as part of the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics for Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) program, a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-wide initiative. The program aims to understand the factors associated with disparities in COVID-19 morbidity and mortality and to lay the foundation to reduce disparities in underserved and vulnerable populations who are disproportionately affected by, have the highest infection rates of, and/or are most at risk for complications or poor outcomes from COVID-19.
The awards, which total more than $5.3 million, went to the Institutional Development Award (IDeA) programs listed below. For more details about a specific award, search NIH RePORTER by the project number.
Emergency Competitive Revisions for Community-Engaged COVID-19 Testing Interventions Among Underserved and Vulnerable Populations – RADx-UP Phase II (NOT-OD-21-103):
- Brown University – Sharon Irene Smith Rounds, 3U54GM115677-06S2
- Maine Health – Clifford James Rosen, 3U54GM115516-05S2
Administrative Supplements to Address Vaccine Hesitancy and Uptake (NOT-OD-21-101):
- Brown University – Sharon Irene Smith Rounds, 3U54GM115677-06S4
- Louisiana State University Pennington Biomedical Research Center – John P. Kirwan, 3U54GM104940-06S4
- University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center – Judith A. James, 3U54GM104938-09S3
These awards align with NIGMS’ mission to help develop the nation’s research capacity through programs such as IDeA. For more information about RADx-UP and other Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) programs, visit the NIH RADx webpage.