TWD Dashboard

This dashboard displays training, career development, fellowship, research projects and conference awards funded or administered by the NIGMS Division of Training, Workforce Development and Diversity​ as recorded in NIH Project RePORTER (updated weekly)​. It includes all currently active parent grants, as well parent grants funded in the prior fiscal year. Active grants in no-cost extension status are displayed here, however their funding amounts are neither displayed nor included in the summary totals since those funds are from past budget years. Supplements are not currently included. To learn more about the individual Programs and initiatives, visit Program webpages and reach out to the specific contact Program Officers listed on the webpage or in the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).​


awardsby: state
activeawardsonly: Yes
States/Territories 1423 total awards $349,097,602 total awarded dollars
State Award Count Total Dollars
AK 6 $858,110
AL 18 $4,008,531
AR 4 $540,506
AZ 10 $2,627,231
CA 209 $63,116,024
CO 33 $8,604,923
CT 19 $7,499,810
DC 7 $4,513,312
DE 6 $1,410,632
FL 19 $4,193,000
GA 41 $11,670,121
HI 3 $459,458
IA 7 $2,279,005
ID 3 $163,622
IL 43 $15,933,142
IN 14 $4,336,729
KS 11 $2,001,913
KY 3 $193,660
LA 8 $1,070,778
MA 102 $22,800,300
MD 51 $16,319,443
ME 4 $208,940
MI 47 $12,170,671
MN 16 $5,733,584
MO 27 $9,348,696
MS 4 $389,876
MT 2 $361,684
NC 51 $14,439,196
ND 2 $359,722
NE 4 $754,993
NH 3 $532,870
NJ 20 $6,519,634
NM 9 $3,621,095
NV 1 $262,311
NY 114 $32,785,412
OH 24 $6,749,934
OK 4 $1,056,808
OR 17 $4,285,394
PA 57 $17,569,371
PR 11 $4,121,123
RI 8 $2,205,927
SC 11 $2,884,634
SD 1 $117,752
TN 27 $5,598,431
TX 83 $22,853,883
UT 13 $2,099,297
VA 22 $6,218,096
VI 2 $446,273
VT 1 $532,999
WA 23 $4,428,701
WI 26 $5,840,045
WV 2 $0

NCEs: these awards are currently no-cost extension​.