Contacts by Type of Question

Contact the relevant NIGMS program official (based on the research area or the contact name in a notice of funding opportunity or other document) to discuss:

  • Potential application topics.
  • Advice on preparing an application.
  • Specific notice of funding opportunities​.
  • Clinical trial planning and implementation applications.
  • Assignment to an institute/center or study section.
  • Requirements related to human subjects, vertebrate animals and other research policies.
  • Approval to submit applications requesting $500,000 or more in direct costs for any year.

Contact the NIGMS Division of Extramural Activities for approval to submit an application for a scientific meeting, conference or workshop. When you submit your application, include the acceptance letter from NIGMS as a cover letter attachment.

Contact the NIGMS program official listed on your summary statement or notice of award to discuss:

Contact the scientific review officer for your application (listed in your eRA Commons account) to discuss:

  • The proper assignment of your application to an initial review group.
  • The expertise needed for the review of your application.
  • Other questions you have prior to review.

Contact the NIGMS grants management specialist for your application (listed in your eRA Commons account) or award (listed on your notice of award) to discuss:

  • Questions about the allowability of costs under particular grant mechanisms.
  • Actions that require prior approval from NIH, such as an additional no-cost extension, a change of grantee institution or the addition of a foreign component.
  • Your grant’s budget.
  • The submission of just-in-time information.
  • Terms and conditions on your notice of award.
  • NIH or NIGMS grant policies.

If you have a general question about NIGMS or are not sure whom to contact about a specific question, email the NIGMS Communications and Public Liaison Branch​ or call 301-496-7301.

This page last updated on 02/24/2025 5:59 PM