From: Berg, Jeremy (NIH/NIGMS) [E]Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 4:07 PMTo: NIGMS Principal InvestigatorsSubject: NIGMS Issues Strategic Plan for 2008-2012
Dear NIGMS Principal Investigator:
I am pleased to announce that the NIGMS Strategic Plan 2008-2012 is now available at (link no longer available). You may also request a hard copy of the document by sending e-mail to
With the theme of "Investing in Discovery," the plan articulates our core principles and shows how we will make strategic investments to maximize the benefits of our funds. The plan reflects input we received from the scientific community, scientific and professional organizations, and others who responded to our requests for information. We appreciate this input and the interest it demonstrates in our strategic planning process and other activities.
As the plan indicates, one of our core principles and goals relates to communication with the scientific community. Toward this end, we encourage you to continue to give us input and feedback at any time. You may send your comments directly to me at
Jeremy M. BergDirectorNational Institute of General Medical