Scientific Review Branch
The NIGMS Scientific Review Branch (SRB) conducts the initial evaluation for scientific and technical merit of applications for funding through grants and cooperative agreements supported by NIGMS specific programs. These programs include institutional training grants, individual fellowships and career development awards, education projects, capacity-building centers and networks, research enhancement awards, and special scientific initiatives. The SRB’s key mission is to ensure that NIGMS grant applications receive expert, timely peer review, while avoiding bias and conflicts of interest in accordance with federal law and departmental policies. The Branch is organized into two Sections: the Centers, Resources, and Research Support section and the Training, Mentored Research, and Workforce Development section.
NIGMS Special Emphasis Panels (SEPs)
For more information about the NIGMS scientific review branch, contact:
Dr. Greg Bissonette
Chief, Scientific Review Branch
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Institutes of Health
45 Center Drive MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200