Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry
The division supports a broad range of research aimed at obtaining a molecular-level understanding of biological processes and approaches to their control. NIGMS supports a variety of research opportunities including fellowships, career awards, research grants, technology development awards, and small business grants.
The division has three branches. Research areas supported by the branches and contact names are listed on the
Contacts by Research Area page.
NOTE: Research encompasses fundamental studies in humans, animals, research organisms, and cellular tissue models (e.g., organoids). However, studies aimed at specific diseases, organ systems, or ages should be discussed with the NIH institutes focused on these missions.
Physiology and Clinical Sciences Branch
This branch supports basic and clinical research studies in these areas:
- Anesthesia and Pain
- Drug Metabolism, Transport, and Kinetics
- Host Inflammatory Responses in selected
Clinical Research Areas
- Injury and Critical Illness Syndromes
- Multi-Organ Physiology
- Packaging and Delivery of Molecules and Biologics
- Sepsis (see NOT-GM-19-054 for NIGMS Priorities)
- Wound Healing
The branch offers limited funding for
Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials in specific
Clinical Research Areas that fit within the mission of NIGMS. Advance consultation with staff is highly recommended (see
NOT-GM-22-027). NIGMS does not support studies designed to seek regulatory approvals, other than through
Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Branch
This branch supports basic research studies in these areas:
- Bioenergetics and Mitochondria
- Cell Surface Receptors and Ion Channels
- Enzyme Mechanisms, Regulation, and Inhibition
- Intercellular Communications and Blockers
- Intermediary Metabolism and Catalysis
- Intracellular Mediators of Signal Transduction
- Membrane Composition, Lipids, and Scaffolding
- Metalloenzyme Mechanisms
- Redox Reactions in Biology
- Trace Metal Homeostasis
Chemistry and Chemical Biology Branch
This branch supports basic research studies in these areas:
- Chemical Biology
- Chemical Catalysis and Reactions
- Design and Synthesis of Chemical Probes
- Glycosciences
- Metallocatalysis
- Natural Products Discovery and Analysis
- Synthetic Biology
- Synthesis of Complex Molecules
- Technology Development, including Chemical Tools
All branches also offer funding for investigators interested in the NIGMS Technology Development programs and in the Collaborative Program Grants for Multidisciplinary Teams.
Potential applicants are encouraged to examine the research areas the division supports and make contact directly with the relevant program directors. Note that some research possibly related to this division’s areas falls within the missions of other institutes and centers at NIH; for this reason, advance contact with staff is always recommended.
We also suggest subscribing to the NIGMS Feedback Loop posts to learn about NIGMS’ programs.
For more information, contact:
Rochelle M. Long, Ph.D.
Director, Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Institutes of Health
45 Center Drive MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200