Message to NIGMS Investigators

The message below is sent by NIGMS program directors to the principal investigators of funded new and competing grants.

Dear NIGMS Investigator:

Congratulations on your NIGMS grant award! This message offers some tips and reminders that we hope you will find useful. More detailed tips and reminders can be found on our website and the links below. We encourage you to contact your program officer (if you have any questions about your grant or if you get exciting results and want to share the good news.

We also encourage you to familiarize yourself with NIGMS’ funding polici​es, particularly those for awardees with multiple NIGMS grants and for investigators with substantial other support. As your research progresses, you should keep the NIGMS scientific mission in mind and contact your program officer if your research is leading in a direction that may put future work outside the NIGMS scope.

As a principal investigator with an active NIGMS award you may be eligible to apply for the following types of supplements, depending on the type of award you have. Check with your program officer before applying to determine which supplements are applicable to your award.

For the latest news from NIGMS, including updates about our programs, funding opportunities, and other resources, we strongly encourage you to subscribe to the Feedback Loop blog. You can receive blog updates as they happen or as a digest. You can also follow NIGMS on LinkedIn​​.

You are required to acknowledge NIH/NIGMS support of your research in journal articles, oral or poster presentations, news releases, interviews with reporters, and other communications. It is important to do this so taxpayers understand that money budgeted to NIH results in research advances made by scientists throughout the country. If you have more than one grant, only cite the one(s) that supported the research described in the article or presentation.

Here is an example of the language to use:

'Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01GM085232.'​

As required by the NIH public access policy, submit manuscripts accepted for publication to NIH PubMed Central.

Useful Websites:

This page last updated on 03/04/2025 2:36 PM