Past 10 Year Trainee Record

Table B.2: Past 10 Year Trainee Record

Program Outcomes Number of:10 Years (e.g. 2009-2019)
Trainee slots awarded per Notice of Award(s)
Unfilled slots
Trainees appointed (unique individuals)
Trainees who participated in a summer research experience
Trainees who withdrew from the program
Trainees who completed B.S. or B.A.
Trainees who entered biomedical M.S. programs
Trainees who completed biomedical M.S. programs
Trainees who entered biomedical Ph.D. programs
Trainees who completed biomedical Ph.D. programs
Trainees who entered M.D. or D.O. programs
Trainees who completed M.D. or D.O. programs
Trainees who entered M.D./Ph.D. programs
Trainees who completed M.D./Ph.D. programs
Trainees who entered other professional degree programs
Trainees who completed other professional degree programs
Trainees who are in a post-bac program supported by PREP
Trainees who completed PREP program
Trainees in other post-bac programs
Trainees who completed other post-bac programs
Trainees who entered biomedical workforce after graduation (B.S./B.A.)


  • Complete table B.2 for a training program-supported undergraduate trainee only (students that received a stipend/salary).
  • Past 10 Year trainee record: Include all trainees supported by a training program (e.g. MARC, IMSD) during the past 10 years. Indicate time (e.g. 2009-2019) under the header for this column.
  • Trainee slots awarded per Notice of Award: Include a number. Do not say “10-12 slots per year”
  • Trainees appointed (unique individuals): This number represents the total number of individuals appointed, during each period specified, including any individuals that withdrew or graduated from the program. For example, if the number of slots awarded to a program is 10 and students remained in the program for two years, after two years the program would have been awarded 20 slots but only 10 unique individuals would have been appointed.
  • Entered: Include only the number of trainees who matriculated into a program. Do not include students who applied for or were accepted into a program but did not matriculate into it.
  • Other biomedical professional degree programs: For example, Pharm.D., Physician Assistant, etc.
  • PREP: Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program
  • Trainees who entered biomedical workforce: Trainees obtained positions in industry, government, academia, etc. (e.g. undergraduate students who did not matriculate into graduate programs).

Biomedical research is defined as scientific investigations in the biological, physical, chemical, computational, engineering, mathematical sciences, and other relevant disciplines. NIGMS supports basic research that increases understanding of biological processes and lays the foundation for disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention. An overview of areas that fit within the NIGMS priorities in basic research can be found on our NIGMS website.