Release Date: July 23, 2024 Expiration Date: September 7, 2027
NIGMS supports basic research that increases our understanding of biological processes and lays the foundation for advances in disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. NIGMS' research mission is aimed at understanding the principles, mechanisms, and processes that underlie living systems. It also supports research in specific clinical areas that affect multiple organs, particularly those related to injury and critical illness: sepsis, trauma, burn, wound healing, anesthesiology, and clinical pharmacology. NIGMS will only accept non-AIDS related applications through this NOFO. For more information see
The application may request up to $5,000 annually to defray the cost of participation in professional meetings (excluding MOSAIC associated meetings, the costs of which will be covered by the UE5 awardees).
Scientific/Research Contact Kenneth D. Gibbs, Jr., Ph.D., MPH Email:
Kalynda Gonzales Stokes, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review ContactEmail:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Justin Rosenzweig Email:
NCCIH uses the MOSAIC K99/R00 program to support promising postdoctoral investigators who are seeking to establish an independent career and have the potential to become a future leader in an area of research supported by the Center.
Before the application receipt date, investigators are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposed research interest with the NCCIH Program Officer to confirm its relevance to NCCIH's mission and research priorities.
Scientific/Research Contact Lanay M. Mudd, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Jessica McKlveen, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Debbie Chen Email:
NEI will accept applications for funding that are responsive to programmatic priority areas for research within vision and ophthalmology as detailed in the NEI Strategic Plan: Vision for the Future [PDF].
Scientific/Research ContactEd Clayton, Ph.D.Email:
Neeraj Agarwal, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Brian Hoshaw, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Karen Robinson-Smith Email:
Please refer to Research Training and Career Development - Postdoctoral for specific information on NHLBI programs and career development policies.
NHLBI encourages career development award applications that propose mentored training in data science disciplines, including but not limited to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Healthcare Data Analytics, Public Health Data Analytics, Imaging Analytics, Predictive Analytics, and Bioinformatics, for the creation, management, analysis, and integration of complex, large data sets in support of data-driven discovery in heart, lung, blood, and sleep health and disease. Proposals must meet all other requirements specified in the parent announcement.
Eligibility: K99 awardees cannot hold a faculty appointment. If an individual has a faculty appointment and is eligible to apply for independent research funding as the PD/PI of an NIH research grant, he/she is no longer eligible for the K99/R00 mechanism. In addition, if a K99 awardee applies to an independent NIH research grant (or equivalent) during the K99 phase, they will be considered independent and will need to relinquish the K99 award and will not be eligible for transition to the R00 phase. To maintain R00 eligibility, awardees in the K99 mentored phase should discuss any potential changes to their academic appointment with an NHLBI Scientific Program Contact. Physician scientists with a clinical faculty appointment, distinct from their research/academic appointment, may still be eligible and should consult an NHLBI Scientific Program Contact for guidance.
Individuals holding certain Career Development Awards (CDAs) that require a faculty appointment to accept the award (such as the American Heart Association CDA) are not eligible to apply for or receive the K99/R00. If a CDA requiring a faculty appointment is accepted after the submission of their K99/R00 application, the applicant is no longer eligible for the K99/R00. Once a CDA requiring a faculty appointment is accepted, the CDA and faculty appointment cannot be rescinded to accept the K99/R00 award.
Scientific/Research Contact Wayne Wang, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Director, Office of Scientific Review Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Benjamin Sakovich Email:
NHGRI supports resources, approaches, and technologies that accelerate genomic research focused on the ethical, legal, and social implications of genomic advances; the structure and biology of genomes; the genomics of disease; the implementation and effectiveness of genomic medicine; computational genomics and data science; and the impact of genomic advances, technology, and implementation on health disparities and health equity. Within these areas, approaches that are comprehensive across the genome or are generalizable across variants, tissues, diseases, or functions may be in scope for NHGRI. NHGRI recognizes the importance of diversity in the genomic workforce, without which the promise of genomics cannot be fully achieved.
Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Scientific Program Contact to discuss their concept for this initiative during the development stages of the application.
Scientific Program ContactHeather Colley, M.S.National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)Telephone: 301-318-3257 Email:
Grants Management ContactDeanna IngersollPhone: (301) 435-7858 Email:
NIA participates in NIH-wide programs to increase diversity in the research workforce. The goal of this NOFO is to provide promising postdoctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds (e.g., see the Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity) to transition into independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions. NIA welcomes applications in all fields of aging research, including basic science, diseases and disabling conditions of aging, the social and behavioral consequences of an aging society, and topics in between. A particular priority of NIA at the moment is research on Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD).
Scientific/Research Contact Maria G. Carranza, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Ramesh Vemuri, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Jessi Perez Email:
NIAAA supports a broad portfolio of research that encompasses basic, behavioral, epidemiological, health services, prevention, and treatment development research that examines the underlying mechanisms and health effects of alcohol use and alcohol use disorders. Interested applicants should review NIAAA’s strategic plan and are highly encouraged to contact program staff listed below to discuss your application prior to submission.
Applications that include human subject research must comply with NIAAA policy on providing plans for submitting grant-related human subjects data to a NIAAA-sponsored data repository, the NIAAA Data Archive (NIAAA DA), as described in NOT-AA-19-020.
Scientific/Research Contact Gary Murray, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact PV Srinivas, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Ms. Judy Fox Email:
NIAID conducts and supports basic and applied research to better understand, treat, and ultimately prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases. Under this NOFO, NIAID supports eligible postdoctoral investigators who will transition to tenure-track faculty (or the equivalent) positions to conduct research in NIAID mission areas
See for more details on NIAID Career Development Awards.
Scientific/Research ContactDiane S. Adger-JohnsonEmail:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Tamia Powell Email:
Information about NIAMS funding mechanisms is available at
Applicants must obtain an offer for a tenure-track or equivalent position by the end of the K99 phase to be eligible for R00 support.
Scientific/Research ContactEmail:
Peer Review ContactYasuko Furumoto, PhD Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Yen Thach Email:
NIBIB welcomes applications from postdoctoral scientists seeking to establish an independent research career in scientific program areas relevant to NIBIB. In general, NIBIB interests include the development and integration of advanced bioengineering, sensing, imaging, and computational technologies for the improvement of human health and medical care. An application is not within the NIBIB mission if its principal focus is the development of a technology with the goal of understanding basic biological function or pathological mechanisms. Additionally, NIBIB only supports projects developing platform technologies that are applicable to a broad spectrum of disorders and diseases. However, applicants may propose research that utilizes only a single tissue, organ, or physiological condition as a model system to facilitate the development of what is expected to be a more broadly applicable enabling technology.
Before preparing an application, prospective applicants are encouraged to fill out the NIBIB K99/R00 Eligibility Inquiry Form and forward it along with the requested attachments to the Scientific Program Contact in order to verify eligibility, determine if the application is appropriate for a K99 award through NIBIB, and ensure that the application is submitted to the appropriate FOA.
More detailed information can be found at
Scientific/Research ContactTina Gatlin, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review ContactManana Sukhareva, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management ContactMutema Nyankale Email:
NICHD offers research career development awards in areas relevant to normal and abnormal human development, including contraception, fertilization, pregnancy, childbirth, prenatal and postnatal development, and childhood development through adolescence. The mission areas also include research on intellectual and developmental disabilities and rehabilitation medicine. More detailed information can be found at:
The K99/R00 program is designed for postdoctoral fellows (PhDs, MDs, or other) whose formal research training is nearly complete, and who expect to find a tenure-track or equivalent faculty position within 2 years of receiving the award. Those whose career development would benefit from further research training should also consider the mentored Career Development Awards offered by NICHD (e.g., K01, K08, K23, K25). Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to email or call the NICHD Scientific/Research Contact to help choose among these career development award mechanisms, to determine K99/R00 eligibility, and to assess relevance of the proposed project to the NICHD mission.
Awardees must spend at least one year on the K99 phase of the award.
Scientific/Research Contact Dennis A. Twombly, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 451-3371 Email:
Peer Review Contact Joanna Kubler-Kielb, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Ryan Talesnik Phone: (301) 435-6976 Email:
NIDCD uses the MOSAIC K99/R00 program to support promising postdoctoral investigators from diverse backgrounds conducting research in NIDCD research areas that are ready to complete their transition to become an independent investigator.
Scientific/Research Contact Alberto L. Rivera-Rentas, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Melissa Stick, Ph.D., M.P.H. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Christopher Myers Email:
NIDCR will accept applications from postdoctoral scientists seeking to establish an independent research career in areas relevant to the Institute's mission to improve dental, oral, and craniofacial health and align with the NIDCR Strategic Plan.
For additional information and for pre-application guidance, potential applicants are encouraged to email NIDCR Program staff at prior to submission. For questions about eligibility and alignment with the NIDCR mission, potential applicant should email their CV/NIH Biosketch and abstract with specific aims to
Scientific/Research ContactEmail:
Peer Review ContactYun Mei, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management ContactGabriel Hidalgo, M.B.A Email:
NIDDK will accept K99/R00 applications from promising postdoctoral fellows and physician scientists working in the areas of research supported by NIDDK: diabetes, endocrinology, metabolic diseases, obesity, nutrition, digestive and liver diseases, kidney and urological disorders, and hematologic diseases. Information on the NIDDK K99/R00 program can be found at Applicants are encouraged to contact the program official identified here prior to submission. The NIDDK provides further information on all K-award programs on our training and career development website:
Urologic surgeons may request a minimum of 50% effort for the K99 phase.
Scientific/Research Contact Katrina Serrano, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact John F. Connaughton, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Aricia M. Ajose, M.P.A. Email:
NIDA supports a broad portfolio of research that encompasses basic, behavioral, epidemiological, health services, prevention, and treatment development research that examines the underlying mechanisms and health effects of substance use and substance use disorders. Interested applicants should review NIDA’s strategic plan and funding priorities and are highly encouraged to contact program staff listed below to discuss your application prior to submission.
Applicants are encouraged to visit the following Web site to learn more about NIDA research training-related opportunities and resources:
Scientific/Research Contact Lindsey Friend, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Dharmendar Rathore, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Yinka Abu Email:
The Career Development and Research Plan must be consistent with the research interests of NIEHS. The Institute funds a substantial portfolio of research conducted by investigators in many disciplines that span the range from basic mechanistic research to clinical and epidemiologic studies using human subjects. For further information on the research interests of the Institute, please see:
Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the program official identified in the contact table before preparing an application to discuss eligibility requirements and the relevance of the proposed research to the Institute’s research priorities.
NIEHS assigns K99/R00 applications to Program Officers across the division based on the scientific focus of the application. Prospective applicants are also encouraged to contact the Program Officer within their scientific area before submitting the application. Please see:
Scientific/Research Contact Carol Shreffler, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Alfonso R. Latoni, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Jenny Greer Email:
The NIMH supports a broad spectrum of basic and translational research, including basic neuroscience, human genetics, adult and developmental translational research, services and intervention research, and AIDS-related research. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Institute career development staff before preparing an application to discuss the relevance of the proposed research to the Institute’s current research priorities and for guidance on the proposed research and career development plans.
Scientific/Research Contact James D. Churchill, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Nicholas Gaiano, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Terri Jarosik Email:
Under this NOFO, NINDS supports eligible postdoctoral investigators who will transition to tenure-track faculty (or the equivalent) positions to conduct research in NINDS mission areas. The long-term goal of this program is to enhance diversity in the biomedical research workforce. NINDS will support both an initial mentored research experience (K99) followed by independent research (R00) for highly qualified, postdoctoral researchers, to secure an independent research position. Award recipients are expected to compete successfully for independent R01 support during the R00 phase.
More details on NINDS MOSAIC K99/R00 Awards:
In general, NINDS supports research studies about the brain and nervous system in order to provide fundamental knowledge and reduce the burden of neurological disease. NINDS strongly encourages potential applicants to contact program staff in the early stages of developing your application.
Scientific/Research ContactLauren Ullrich, Ph.D.National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)Phone: 301-451-7964 Email:
Peer Review Contact William C. Benzing, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Chief Grants Management Officer Email:
NINR considers career development applications only from research doctorate-prepared applicants who have a Bachelor's degree or higher in nursing. The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) supports research to solve pressing health challenges and inform practice and policy - optimizing health and advancing health equity into the future. NINR discovers solutions to health challenges through the lenses of health equity, social determinants of health, population and community health, prevention and health promotion, and systems and models of care. Drawing on the strengths of nursing’s holistic, contextualized perspective, core values, and broad reach, NINR funds research that examines the factors that impact health across the many settings in which nurses practice, including homes, schools, workplaces, clinics, justice settings, and the community.
Scientific/Research Contact Libbey Bowen, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Weiqun Li, M.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Ron Wertz Email:
NIMHD supports various mentored career development activities involving research to improve minority health and reduce health disparities, organized around three main Research Interest Areas: Clinical and Health Services Research, Community Health and Population Sciences, and Integrative Biological and Behavioral Sciences. Projects are encouraged to use approaches that encompass multiple domains of influence (e.g., biological, behavioral, socio-cultural, environmental, physical environment, health systems) and multiple levels of influence (e.g., individual, interpersonal, community, societal) to understand and address health disparities. See the NIMHD Research Framework for examples of health determinants of interest.
Scientific/Research Contact Email:
Peer Review Contact Yujing Liu, Ph.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Priscilla Grant, J.D. Email:
NLM supports research career development in clinical/public health informatics, bioinformatics, data science, and consumer health informatics. We define informatics as the intersection of computer, information, and data sciences with one or more application domains. Application domains of interest include health care delivery, basic biomedical research, clinical and translational research, public health, and consumer health. Whatever the application domain, the research career focus must be informatics or data science.
Scientific/Research ContactMeryl Sufian, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review ContactZoe Huang, M.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management ContactAndrea Culhane Email:
ORWH focuses on advancing research that is relevant to the health of women and supporting women in biomedical careers. Applicants should ensure their proposed work intersects with the goals, objectives, and guiding principles of the trans-NIH Strategic Plan for Women's Health Research ( ORWH does not award grants but co-funds applications and research projects that have received an award from one of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers listed in the announcement. Visit the ORWH website ( or contact the appropriate ORWH staff to learn more.
Scientific Program ContactCarolyn Bondar, Ph.D.Phone: (301) 824-7194Email:
NCCIH uses the K99/R00 program to support outstanding postdoctoral investigators who are seeking to establish an independent career and have the potential to become a future leader in an area of research supported by the Center.
Scientific/Research Contact Amanda Taylor Boyce, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Kathy Salaita, Sc.D. Email:
Applicants are strongly advised to consult with NINDS program staff prior to submitting an application with human subjects to determine the appropriate funding opportunity. See the NIH definition of a clinical trial and NIH guidance for basic experimental studies with humans for more information.
It is recommended that NIMH mentored K applicants proposing clinical trials review the following guidance: (
Scientific/Research Contact Meryl Sufian, Ph.D. Email:
Peer Review Contact Zoe Huang, M.D. Email:
Financial/Grants Management Contact Andrea Culhane Email:
Peer Review Contact Jessica Mcklveen, Ph.D. Email:
NEI will only accept Minimal Risk Clinical Trials” under this FOA. "Minimal risk" means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.
Scientific/Research ContactEd Clayton, Ph.D. Email:
NIA participates in NIH-wide programs to increase diversity in the research workforce. The goal of this FOA is to provide promising postdoctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds (e.g., see the Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity) to transition into independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions. NIA welcomes applications in all fields of aging research, including basic science, diseases and disabling conditions of aging, the social and behavioral consequences of an aging society, and topics in between. A particular priority of NIA at the moment is research on Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD).
Under this FOA, NINDS supports eligible postdoctoral investigators who will transition to tenure-track faculty (or the equivalent) positions to conduct research in NINDS mission areas. The long-term goal of this program is to enhance diversity in the biomedical research workforce. NINDS will support both an initial mentored research experience (K99) followed by independent research (R00) for highly qualified, postdoctoral researchers, to secure an independent research position. Award recipients are expected to compete successfully for independent R01 support during the R00 phase.
Applicants are strongly advised to consult with NINDS program staff prior to submitting an application with human subjects to determine the appropriate funding opportunity. See the NIH definition of a clinical trial and NIH guidance for basic experimental studies with humans [PDF] for more information.